
I didn't want, I don't want


                                                                                                                                                                   Author: Leila Sadeghi

Translator: Azadeh Davachi

Yesterday morning I woke up at a time I didn’t want to wake, dressed in clothes I didn’t like to wear and left the house unwillingly. I went to a small café that I didn’t like and ordered something I didn’t like to have: a cup of tea and a small piece of toast. I met someone I didn’t like to see and we sat at a table where I didn’t want to sit and again he told me those things I didn’t want to hear. I also said all the things I didn’t want to say. He became so happy, although I didn’t want him to, ordered all the things I didn’t want to eat and while eating them I looked into the eyes I didn’t want to see. I’m afraid the event that I didn’t want to happen finally did happen, and due to those eyes I resumed a life I didn’t want. But because I did something I didn’t want, I finished everything. Yesterday was a day I didn’t want.

Today morning I wake up at a time I want to wake, dress in clothes I like to wear and leave the house willingly. I go to a small café that I like and order something I like to have: a cup of milk with a little sugar. I meet someone I like to see and we sit at a table where I want to sit and again I tell him those things I want him to hear. He also says all the things I want him to say. I become so happy that I ordered everything I want and while eating them, I look into the eyes I want to see. I’m excited because the event that I want to happen finally happens, and due to those eyes I finish the life I want to finish. But because he does something I don't want, I finish everything. Today is a day I don’t want.

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