مقالات انگلیسی

From Macro and Microstructures to an Innovation: The Macrofiction Structure


From Macro and Microstructures to an Innovation: The Macrofiction Structure

Leila Sadeghi

Department of Linguistics, University of Tehran, Iran


According to Van Dijk, all phenomena have macro and Microstructures. This paper examines the interaction of these structures, leading to an innovative one: the structure termed Macrofiction. It is a layer of patchy structures, joined together to build an untold story. Separate stories are connected through the cohesive elements they share. Moreover, the cognitive mechanism and information structure of a story on the level of the Microstructure is in harmony with the plot and the general idea of the fiction. This idea is inspired by specimens from classical Persian literature such as “The Conference of the Birds” (1177) and continues well into contemporary literature. This paper demonstrates the nature of macrofiction and the process by which it may be formed in a fictional discourse such as that found in Ebrahim Golestan’s story cycle, “Hunting the Shadow”.

Keywords: Ebrahim GolestanHunting The Shadow,  Macrofiction,  Macrostructure,  Microstructure

International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research 
Vol.1, No.2, pp.13-30, September 2013
Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.ea-journals.org)

Available online at http://www.eajournals.org/journals/international-journal-of-english-language-and-linguistics-research-ijellr/vol-1-issue-2-september-2013/

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